Commercial and Personal licence users have access to six months' free technical
support by email - just email your questions to
and your problem will be handled as quickly as possible.
Evaluation licence users have access to free technical support for the duration of
their evaluation licence. Again, just email your questions to
We recommend that people looking to receive email support add '' to the Sender Whitelist file, to guarantee receipt of responses to your questions.
We aim to answer your email queries within 2 working days or for personal users 5 working days, though
most questions are answered the same day.
When writing your email, please include as much information about the problem
as you can - a good guide for this can be found
There is also a mailing list - -
this list is for discussion with other MailStripper users about the software, hints and tips, general chat about MailStripper etc., and a forum for
suggesting ideas you'd like to see in future versions of MailStripper. This mailing list is also intended to serve as a "community support" forum.
We also have a bug tracker where you can raise issues or track existing ones.
Supported platforms:
- Linux (i386) - requires glibc 2.1.3 or later. Will require glibc 2.3.4 or later from version 1.4.3.
- Linux (x86_64) - requires glibc 2.3.4 or later. COMING SOON with 1.4.3 (test builds are on the FTP server)
- FreeBSD (i386) - Compiled for FreeBSD 4.7.
- Solaris (Sparc) - Built on Solaris 10, but may work on other Solaris versions.
- Solaris (i386) - Built on Solaris 9, but may work on other Solaris versions.
After the included 6 months' email support we offer 12 months' email support, which covers you for 5 incidents:
- Commercial users: £125 (US$235) per licensed installation. Please
note: if you have 2 or more machines with MailStripper and require support, you will need to
purchase support for both of them.
- Personal users: £42 (US$80) per licence.
- Subscriptions lapse after one year or the completion of the fifth incident, whichever comes first.
- Or you can Pay by the hour instead: £35/hour (US$67), billed in units of one
hour, minimum charge 1 hour.
- Support charges do not apply if the problem for which support has
been requested is diagnosed as a fault in the software.
Please go here if you would like to purchase support for your site.
If you came here looking for some specific advice, please also check the FAQ as your question may already be answered.